Hangkai Outboard Motors Manual

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Chinese goods can also be of good quality. The best proof of this is the budget ISO certified boat engines. The outboard motors are made at the Hangkai factory in China. The range of 2- and 4-stroke engines are distinguished by their low price, available for most domestic water-powered engines, and are easy to operate and repair.


Hangkai Motors Technical Features

Steering motors are designed for small inflatable boats. After manufacturing, the engines are subject to pre-sale preparation at the Hangkai factory and are produced in special shockproof packaging. After running-in, the motor is completely ready for use.


Let's list the distinctive features of Hangkai motors:

Efficient water cooling system using a compact pump, as well as a combined air-water cooling system on low-power 3.5-3.6 hp motors);

Lightweight engines;

Simple fuel system based on carburetor;

Forward and reverse rotation of the propeller on some models;

Manual lifting of the engine.


Hangkai motors are manufactured by Taizhou Gongda Motorcycle Accessories Co, which was founded in 1993 and originally made parts for Chinese motorcycles. In 2003, the company launched the first 2-stroke outboard motor. The modern factory where Hangkai is produced is equipped with advanced high-tech equipment. In the manufacture of outboard motors, multi-stage quality control is carried out, which ensures the safety and reliability of the finished product. Solid experience in the development of engines allowed the company to launch a large assortment line of advanced powerful models.


Hangkai Motors Advantages

Hangkai outboard motors with anti-corrosion coating are resistant to mechanical damage and rust formation. A boat equipped with such motors will easily navigate the shallows, and you will not get stuck in shallow water.


 The advantages of Hangkai motors include:

Economical fuel consumption;

The presence of a reinforced kick starter, which increases the life of the engine, making it easier to start;

Safety and ease of management due to the design features of the engines;

Exhaust through the support reduces the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere and minimizes operating noise.

Along with the advantages, motors are not without drawbacks that you should know when choosing which boat motor is better to buy. The Hangkai range is represented by a limited number of low power models suitable mainly for compact boats. Outboard boat engines run on a mixture of gasoline and oil. The latter, without burning entirely in the engine cylinder, is released into the water and pollutes it. Another very important point that has touched at the moment and more well-known manufacturers - we recommend changing the transmission oil in the leg (gearbox) before running in and, accordingly, after it! So, you will be completely sure that there is enough lubrication and this will positively affect the further operation of the engine.

Comments: 28
  • #28

    Brian (Sunday, 16 March 2025 20:40)

    How to flush the motor? No place to attach a hose

  • #27

    Sandra Stevenson (Wednesday, 12 March 2025 15:36)

    Need an English manual for a Hangkai 4 stroke 6 hp please...email-sp6san56@gmail.com

  • #26

    MORALES ZARATE JOSE DEMETRIO (Tuesday, 11 February 2025 23:22)

    MI CORREO ELECTRONICO ES gordolobo0135@gmail.com
    y josedemetriomoraleszarate@gmail.com
    mi cel 744 105 27 80 en México
    espero su amable respuesta. Gracias.

  • #25

    Douglas A Dinnell (Tuesday, 09 July 2024 13:41)

    There is nothing in the manual to explain how to hook up the wires to the throttle. Please help

  • #24

    Tink linn (Saturday, 30 March 2024 09:26)

    English manual for hangkai 7 HP 4 stoke to tinklinn@gmail.com

  • #23

    DENNIS (Monday, 25 December 2023 22:52)

    I would like a service manual for the 5 hp 48v motor in English. Mine stopped dead-in-the-water after only 2 hours of intermittent use.

    Also, if you send a copy to "https://www.boatfreemanuals.com/motors/hangkai/" other folks will be able to download it without troubling you.
    Thank you

  • #22

    JOSE ANGEL SANCHEZ PATO (Saturday, 09 December 2023 06:46)

    necesito manual de instruciones del motor 6cv hangkai en español

  • #21

    Kenny Eubanks (Saturday, 02 September 2023 21:11)

    Manual for 8hp electric motor

  • #20

    Wayne Johnson (Friday, 25 August 2023 12:59)

    I need a manual for a hangkai 3.5hp outboard please.

  • #19

    David Yhann (Sunday, 20 August 2023 19:19)

    I need an English manual for a 6.5hp 4 stroke outboard please. Thank you.

  • #18

    Frank Stearns (Friday, 21 July 2023 06:51)

    I need a Hangkai 3.5 manual in English please.

  • #17

    Ryszard (Wednesday, 19 July 2023 13:12)

    proszę o instrukcję obsługi do silnika do łóki marki Hangkai 6,5 4 suw po polsku

  • #16

    Graham Spence (Tuesday, 23 May 2023 12:53)

    I would like a service manual for the 4 hp 4stroke motor in English
    Thank you

  • #15

    MANUEL DE LA AURORA GARCIA LOPEZ (Tuesday, 16 May 2023 11:31)

    Me gustaría un manual de servicio para el motor de 6.5 hp 4 tiempos en español

  • #14

    Edwin Pilmer (Saturday, 13 May 2023 18:51)

    Please send an English version of the 6HP 4-stroke air-cooled motor.

  • #13

    Kenneth Alvarez (Friday, 28 April 2023 11:50)

    I need service manaul for Hangkai 6.5 hp 4-stroke Outboard
    PDF file or hard copy

  • #12

    NIKOLAOS PATERGIANNAKIS (Friday, 03 February 2023 10:27)

    I need Hangkai manual in English. Will you pleae send me ?

  • #11

    Alexandre Iarkov (Saturday, 14 January 2023 23:02)

    I would like the service manual for your 6.0 2 stroke motor in Russian.
    Thank you. (alex.yarkov@gmail.com)

  • #10

    Karl Horst (Thursday, 06 October 2022 19:21)

    I would like a service manual for the 6.5 hp 4stroke motor in english
    Thank you

  • #9

    Paul Spacher (Monday, 26 September 2022 13:11)

    I would like the service manual for your 6.5 4 stroke motor in english.
    thank you

  • #8

    YAMANDU SEQUEIRA (Thursday, 22 September 2022 20:10)

    Donde puedo conseguir un manual en ingles o en español para un motor Hangkai de 18 HP 2 tiempos. Gracias

  • #7

    Lawrence (Wednesday, 03 August 2022 05:27)

    Manual in English for electric48 volt / 5 horsepower outboard motor boat engine 1200 w

  • #6

    Kunal (Sunday, 31 July 2022 10:58)

    I would like to have some information and the price of these engine

  • #5

    MARK WORTHINGTON (Thursday, 21 July 2022 18:56)


  • #4

    Dan (Monday, 25 April 2022 16:27)

    Question for you I was at 12 hp hangkai motor even though the water pump is working and it's peeing out water why is the lower unit of the housing where's a spark plug in the motor is filling up with water where the spark plugs are that front metal plate if you look straight up it has a silver round circle straight down from that is where it's dripping water why is water coming in

  • #3

    Ron thweatt (Sunday, 24 April 2022 19:49)

    I have a 6 2 stroke and can not get the motor to realease when I want to pull up out of the water it will go down without a problem but will not work to let motor come up out of the water help

  • #2

    David Bliss (Sunday, 10 April 2022 20:32)

    Just bought a Hangkai 6.0 motor modle # 1p61fa out board motor. can i get a manual in english.

  • #1

    David (Thursday, 20 January 2022 14:50)

    Just got a 6 HP manual came in Chinese. Can I get one in English?